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We recommend you to protect your privacy by choosing according settings in your social media account. Global2030 does not collect or distribute personal data from its website or social media pages (see privacy statement).
You can support the work of Global2030 by donating, where your money will help to provide a continuous monitoring of global challenges. We approach government and business leaders to increase their activities to address the challenges. Global2030 does not carry out projects of direct development aid, health care or environmental conservation. With this in mind, we also encourage you to donate to the work of other organizations which tackle the global challenges directly, if you please. Global2030 believes that information and advocacy as well as direct activities are necessary, hence considers both worth being supported.
Tax exempt: The legal body of Global2030, the Global Challenges Initiative
, is acknowledged as a non-profit organization under German law. For donations from 50€ or 50$ onwards, the association provides a receipt which can be used for tax exempt purposes in Germany (please provide your address for this). Donations from outside of Germany must be channelled through a non-profit organization of your country to be tax-deductible.- For donating from outside the
The cheapest transfer may be through PayPal. This requires a credit card or a PayPal account. PayPal will charge us a transfer fee of 1.2%-1.9% plus 0.35€, depending on the region and volume.
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You can also use direct bank transfer, but the fee may be higher.
- For donating within the EU:
The cheapest way may be a direct bank transfer to our bank account for donations:
Account owner: Global Challenges Initiative e.V.
Account number: 100 2015 200
IBAN: DE26 4306 0967 100 2015 200
GLS Bank, Bochum (Germany) (a social and ecological bank).
To receive a tax-deductible receipt, please include your postal address in the subject of the transfer, or send us an email related to your donation. Thank you!
You can also donate online via PayPal, but they will charge us a fee of 1.2%-1.9% plus 0.35€ per donation within the EU.
Global2030 will provide further payment options soon.
Business companies, governmental departments and non-governmental foundations, which support the objectives to address the most important global challenges and the aims of Global2030, are welcome to provide funding to specific activities of Global2030. We are highly interested in partnerships with companies and countries which are well-known for their committment to tackle global issues. Due to our requirement to be neutral, responsibility for the contents and suggestions rests entirely with Global2030, as specified in agreements with sponsorers. Global2030 does not offer advertising on its website.
Become an Adviser
Experts on topics covered by Global2030 can support the research effort by donating time for the review of drafts, contributing knowledge to specific issues, etc. You are welcome in taking up contact!
Become an Intern, or Volunteer
Students of topics related to the Global Challenges Review or its statistical methods are encouraged to apply for an internship. Students, graduates and anyone with an academic background or experience in these subjects can apply for a volunteering placement. This includes the option to volunteer from abroad. Applications are welcome all year round. Placements are currently available. Your application should include your CV and a motivational letter. Please contact us to get more details.