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Sustainable Resource Use

For dwelling, clothing, mobility
, materials and energy are needed that will only be available in the long run, if a) renewable resources are used within the time frame of regeneration or b) non-renewable resources are substituted by renewable ones before extraction stops keeping up with demand. (For renewable resources, see challenges regarding soils, forests, and available water).Affected people and foundations of life: Global resource extraction was 55.0 billion tonnes in 2002 (non-metallic minerals, fossil energy carriers, metal ores, and 15.6 billion tonnes of biomass from agriculture, forestry, fishery and grazing). Per capita extraction was 8.8 tonnes (20.0 tonnes in
Taking into consideration today's consumption level (not regarding a continuing rise), deposits of resources like silver, gold, tin, copper, tungsten and nickel will be sufficient for economic extraction for the next 14 to 44 years, if including marginal and subeconomic reserves 29 to 158 years. There is a higher amount of raw materials in the Earth's crust, and in all likelihood there are also more, today unknown deposits of them, perhaps smaller ones, or in lower concentrations. However, to keep the same extraction level beyond the time frames mentioned a continuance or increase in technological development is needed, successful explorations and investments, as happened in past decades. ( 2006.) Because of decreasing resource concentration within explored deposits, the material flow, energy use and pollution caused by extraction will likely increase, as the costs might do, too. There is not a lot of data about the issue to which extent of low resource concentrations large-scale extraction will work physically, economically, ecologically, and timely. / /
Regarding petroleum, the International Energy Agency sees increasing market tightness beyond 2010
, as oil demand growth surpasses the growth in global oil capacity
. There are different causes: demand growth, lack of investment, geopolitical and financial problems, and oil field decline. ( 2007, 5 ) According to presumptions, global petroleum production rate (barrels per day) will reach a maximum and decline subsequently – regardless of large reserves and resources. The assumed onset for "peak oil" or the plateau of production regarding conventional oil ranges from 2005 to around 2020 ( 2008; 2008, 13; BGR 2005; IEA 2008, 6, and 2008a, 8; Birol 2008); including non-conventional oil (like tar sand) the peak will be, according to the IEA, not before 2030 (IEA 2004, 2008, 6, and 2008a, 8). Production [of conventional oil] has already peaked in most non-OPEC-countries and will peak in most others before 2030. Falling crude oil and NGLs production is largely offset by rising non-conventional output
(IEA 2008, 6f., addition in square brackets). While in the meantime there are quite few disagreements on the peak, there are more in regards to when and how strong the decline afterwards will be. Projections for 2030 range from a sustaining plateau of conventional oil production to a decrease by half (IEA 2008, 6, and 2008a, 8; ASPO 2008; EWG 2008, 13). The peak and decline of oil extraction flows are explained by physical constrains and/or costs of extraction. Underlying causes of this slow depletion are: dropping pressure of deposits during exploitation, viscosity of extracted oil (increasing portion of heavier oil), lacking efficiency of gas injection (with regard to flows, not to recovery factor), time frames (and costs) for measures to increase flow rate, etc. Investment in 1 mb/d of additional capacity – equal to the entire capacity of Algeria today – is needed each year by the end of the projection period [2030] just to offset the projected acceleration in the natural decline rate
(IEA 2008, 7, emphasis by original, addition in square brackets). As a consequence oil prices could increase, or demand has to decrease because of substitution, efficiency or savings. A peak of natural gas extraction is projected to follow within this century.
If risks are not managed farsightedly, peak oil could lead to severe consequences to world economy, including a possible recession. Transportation and global trade would be affected in particular. Preventive mitigation or retroactive adaptation would take about 10 to 20 years, and oil supply disruptions associated with the approach of peaking could cost the US economy alone about US$4 trillion. ( 2005, 4, 31 and 71.)
Peak oil has to be considered as a risk with some uncertainty, just like other factors leading to a gap between demand and supply of oil. This applies especially to a lack of investment for sustaining or extending the current oil production capacity of 84 megabarrel per day (mb/d): Some 30 mb/d of new capacity is needed by 2015. There remains a real risk that under-investment will cause a supply crunch in that timeframe.
(IEA 2008, 7.)
Resource efficiency and savings are necessary not only to prolong the use of our resource base, but also to save energy, minimize
emissions and other environmental damage, as well as to gain economic savings. Scarcity of resources can cause international conflicts.Targets/goals: no global target. According to the to save 20% of annual consumption of primary energy by 2020 (compared to the energy consumption forecasts for 2020). This objective corresponds to achieving approximately a 1.5% saving per year up to 2020.
( 2006.) Germany has, in its sustainability strategy, set the target to roughly double resource productivity from 1990/94 to 2020 ( 2002, 93).
Trend: − Global resource extraction has increased by 36% from 1980 to 2002 and is projected to grow by another 48% from 2002 to 2020, up to 80 billion tonnes. The decrease in extraction per unit of is projected to slow down. (OECD 2008, 240.) Regarding oil see above-mentioned projections of IEA and others.
Measures: Besides substitution and saving there are appoaches for increasing resource productivity or resource efficiency: dematerialization, miniaturization, durability and reusing of products respectively components, and recycling of material.
Annotation: 1 tonne = 1 000 kg = 1 metric ton.
- ASPO 2008 – Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas: The General Depletion Picture.
In: ASPO Newsletter No. 96, December 2008, p. 2.
- Birol, Fatih (IEA Chief Economist) 2008: George Monbiot meets ... Fatih Birol. Video-Interview in The Guardian online, 15 December 2008.
- BGR 2005 – Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe: Erdöl – Reserven, Ressourcen und Reichweiten – eine Situationsbeschreibung aus Sicht der BGR.
Vortrag von Dr. J. Peter Gerling, BGR, anlässlich der DGMK-Frühjahrstagung 2005 in Celle.
- 2002: Perspectives for Germany; Our Strategy for Sustainable Development. [Berlin.]
- DOE 2005 – U. S. Department of Energy: Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, Mitigation, & Risk Management.
By Robert L. Hirsch, SAIC; Roger Bezdek, MISI; Robert Wendling, MISI.
- EU 2006 – European Union, Commission: Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: Realising the Potential.
COM(2006) 545, 19 October 2006.
- EWG 2008 – Energy Watch Group: Zukunft der weltweiten Erdölversorgung; Überarbeitete, deutschsprachige Ausgabe, Mai 2008, mit freundlicher Unterstützung des Club Niederösterreich (
By Jörg Schindler and Werner Zittel. Berlin, Mai 2008.
- IEA 2004 – International Energy Agency: World Energy Outlook 2004; Executive Summary.
- IEA 2007 – International Energy Agency: Medium-Term Oil Market Report July 2007.
- IEA 2008 – International Energy Agency: World Energy Outlook 2008; Executive Summary.
- IEA 2008a – International Energy Agency: World Energy Outlook 2008; Key Graphs.
- OECD 2008 – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030. Paris, 2008. ISBN 978-92-64-04048-9. Summary in English.
- RWI/ISI/BGR 2006 – Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (RWI Essen), Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI), Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR): Trends der Angebots- und Nachfragesituation bei mineralischen Rohstoffen; Endbericht.
- UNEP 1999 – United Nations Environment Programme: Global Environment Outlook 2000 (GEO 2000); Overview.
Draft (2008)
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Photo credit: © Port Autonome de Bordeaux