Main content:
Additional Details
The draft survey on global challenges is complemented by additional descriptions of each specific challenge. These provide more information in detail.
The additional descriptions of challenges are from the 2008 draft. They are listed as the following (in the order of the 2010 survey):
- World nutrition and poverty eradication
- Stop epidemics
- Keeping climate liveable
- Safe birth conditions
- Safety at work
- Clean indoor air
- Access to safe water
- Low pollution and toxicity and clean outdoor air
- Stabilizing finance
- Road safety
- Peace and security
- Maintaining biodiversity and keeping forests usable
- Protect soils
- Availability of water
- Protection from disasters
- Safe injections
- (Protection from second-hand tobacco smoke)*
- Safe technologies
- Sustainable resource use
- (Containing measles)*
- Maintaining the ozone layer
- Cooperation, citizenship and democracy
- Human rights and gender equality
- Information and education, research and innovation
* Covered by the 2010 survey only. Additional challenge description will be available soon.
Draft (2010/2008)